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Your Vote Your Voice

Writer: Bret and Amber TuellerBret and Amber Tueller

One of the things that sets us apart as a nation is the opportunity to cast our vote and have our voice heard each election. In an effort to help educate local voters for the upcoming Town Election, we asked each candidate some questions to better understand their stance and grasp of local issues. We have listed each candidate in alphabetical order for the office they are seeking. Only excerpts from their answers have been printed; you can find their responses in their entirety below.


Jonathan Bollefer


From: Hastings, Minnesota

Neighborhood: Clarke Farms

Family: Wife and 3 Daughters

Occupation: Director of Security

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?  I am originally from Hastings, MN. My family is from International Falls. I moved with my family to Colorado in 1990. I grew up in Colorado Springs. I met my wife in 2001 and we were married in 2004. We have three beautiful daughters, 16,12, and 10 and we live in Clarke Farms. I am the Director of Corporate Security for a medium sized private security firm in Denver.  Why are you running for office?  I am running for office to ensure our voice, the voice of our many communities, is represented. I am running for those who have felt indifferent. For those who feel like their voices are not being heard.  What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?  My greatest strength is my ability to lead and bring people together.  My greatest weakness is my emotion/passion. I am often quite passionate about people and how we treat each other. It's a double edged sword.   How do you plan to help small businesses?  My wife has owned a local small business here in Parker for 5 years. I want to support small businesses like hers with grants and tax breaks. We can do better helping to facilitate their growth and being a better partner for those businesses that reside here in Parker.  Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?  I personally think there is always room for improvement. I think we need to evaluate what our end goal is and determine if the current plan encompasses what our communities really want and/or need. We should not be talking about next year but the next 5-10 years.  What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?  Parker needs to prepare for the future. If we are only looking a few years forward we are missing the mark. We live in an incredible community. Let's discuss how to bring in affordable housing for single families, more parking downtown and on Mainstreet, and how we grow responsibly with everyone in mind. How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?  Town forums. Email polls. Open and honest conversation. Being available and listening. 720.364.7389  Call me. Let's talk.  What sets you apart from the other candidates?  I'm not a politician. I do not fit the mold of the Mayoral Candidate. I believe in longer tables, not higher walls. I believe we should support our LEO in the field, because they support us. I believe in community and that together, and only together, we can make a difference. We can teach our young people, our kids about equality and unity. Not division and hate. We can rally around our communities that are hurting from the civil and social unrest. We can hear them and stand up for what is right. We can bond together during this health crisis and help protect each other. There is no more time for indifference. There is no more time to sit on the sidelines. Let's stand up and do what is right, even if it's tough. I am willing to take on that challenge. That is what makes me different. I am not a politician. I am a father of three beautiful girls, a husband that works hard to have a great marriage, a loyal team member within my organization, a fast - hands on learner, and a servant leader. I do not have any ulterior motives or bad habits. I'm here to collaborate, to learn, listen and help drive the Town of Parker to be the inclusive, purposeful, and a more united community that we can all continue to be proud of. 

Joshua R. Rivero


From: South Hero, Vermont

Neighborhood: Idyllwilde

Family: Wife and 2 Kids

Occupation: Owner - Fika Coffee house

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?  

My name is Joshua Rivero, my wife Anna, our two kids and myself have lived in Idyllwilde since 2006. We own and operate Fika Coffee House, the original, Fika Mainstreet, and Fika Idyllwilde near Legend High School. I am also currently in my second term as a Parker Town Council Member, first getting elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2016.

Why are you running for office? 

I am running for Parker. My family moved here in 1989 and this is our hometown, I have friends and family in every corner of our community. Parker needs a mayor that can reunite our community, someone that has earned the trust of the entire community, someone that will be available everyday to hear from all Parker citizens and those folks that are invested or contribute to our town. I have made serving Parker a full time job, making myself available seven days a week and maintaining a second story office on Mainstreet.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? 

My greatest strength is my ability or need to serve others. My greatest joy is putting a smile on someone else’s face. It may have been learned from years in the bar and restaurant business and cultivated at Fika Coffee House but I see myself as a servant to my community for the rest of my life. My greatest weakness is the inability to say no. I can take too much on my plate and while I will finish it, it can cause stress and may not be the healthiest for me mentally.

How do you plan to help small businesses? 

I am a small business owner and what we need right now is love. There is no better town to own a business in than Parker. Parker takes care of its own. This town rallies around and supports their businesses in times of need. I saw it first hand when we originally opened Fika Mainstreet and shortly after the Great Recession hit, Parker came running to the Mom and Pop’s on Mainstreet. I saw it again when Fika was burglarized and again the generosity of this community was felt directly by us and our staff. My role as Mayor is not one of policy maker anymore but I will be the biggest advocate for business in Town Hall and in Denver when the opportunity presents itself. I will work with Town Council to continue programs that allow our businesses to succeed.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that? 

I know Mainstreet is very healthy. The pandemic has definitely had an impact but as I said our Mainstreet is in the best town in America. I still believe in the potential of the empty lots and look forward to our expansion to the east, giving the citizens of Parker even more to fall in love with. I am also highly encouraged with the new uses going into the Pike’s Peak area. We have some great businesses in the Victorian neighborhood but we’re seeing new concepts down there now and I am excited about the new trend.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?Transportation and infrastructure is a hot topic. I can say that we as a Town are constantly addressing improvements with local and outside dollars to benefit our citizens mobility. As a bedroom community we are very good at moving people in and out of Town. Where we get congestion is the cross-town traffic. As we move towards a work from home community I believe we can alleviate pressure on our system by giving folks what they need closer to their homes in the form of neighborhood centers. If we can lessen the need to cross Parker Road, the entire system benefits.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions? 

Increasing transparency and citizen involvement has been my charge since I was first elected in 2012 and I believe we have been successful. Open data portals, updated websites, huge social media presence, responsive staff and award winning customer service just to name a few. Citizens are more knowledgeable and active than ever before and that only benefits our community as a whole. As Mayor I will continue to be the most accessible representative at Town Hall and plan to have monthly small meet and greets but also occasional large format “Town Halls”, virtual and in-person. This is my passion and I will give it as much time as the citizens desire.

What sets you apart from the other candidates? 

My passion for this community is second to none. I love this town and I am its biggest champion. I live, work and play here and I would not have it any other way. My ties to this community are extensive, from my business network, to lifelong friends, to my family, extended and immediate, I am Parker and I am running for Mayor to serve my hometown.

Jeffrey A. Toborg


From: California

Neighborhood: Preston Hill

Family: Wife and 3 Kids

Occupation: Government Healthcare

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is your family, and what do you do professionally?

My family and I live in Preston Hill subdivision of Parker. My wife, Melissa, a public school nurse and I have ben married for 21 years and have three children. I have built a career in the IT industry as a leader in Government Healthcare Systems.

Why are you running for office?

Albert Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results." The same is true in our elected leaders. If we keep electing the same people, we get the same results. That is why I seek this office. I have been working hard for the residents of Parker since elected and I am proud to be considered a common-sense leader who gets things done. I will be honored to be accountable to you and proud to work for you as your mayor.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is that I am a man of action. I say what I do and I do what I say. My greatest weakness, like most of us, is finding the time to do all the things I want to be involved in. In addition to my family, my top priority will always be to serve the citizens of Parker.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

I strongly believe that free markets and individual achievement that are the primary factors behind economic prosperity. The role of government is not to pick winners and losers; our job is to incentivize entrepreneurs and ensure an economic environment where businesses can thrive. We will work to attract new businesses and make maintaining a business in Parker advantageous and less burdensome and still be responsive to the needs of Parker residents.

Do you think Mainstreet/ downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

Mainstreet will always be in a state of change due to the nature of the retail and restaurant business. As we sit today, they are doing well in light of the pandemic. They have the support of the Downtown Business Alliance and the relationship between the DBA and Town is strong and we will continue to work with them to support our Mainstreet (and Pikes Peak) businesses.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking growth, etc?

The biggest issue facing transportation in Parker is not only roads, growth and traffic- it is the fact that we are spending $11 million per year to RTD for $1 million in services. Our solution must be to work with our state elected officials to pass legislation allowing municipalities to leave RTD. We can form our own cost-effective solutions.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

I am the most accessible and approachable member of the Town Council, whether by email, phone, or social media. I plan to keep up that accessibility as well as add Mayor Town Hall's - virtual and in-person - to my communication plan where we can get together and talk on any issues facing neighborhoods or town wide. Involvement starts with trust that something will come of the time commitment, I have built that trust with my fellow townspeople.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I was elected to the Council because my fellow townspeople wanted change. They wanted someone sitting on the dais fighting for them and not simply approving ordinances and subdivisions. They wanted someone to LISTEN to them in public hearings without coming in with a predetermined vote and take their suggestions and concerns seriously. I am committed to listening to what Parker residents have to say and will always support and promote THEIR best interest. I work for the People of Parker. That is what makes me the best choice as the next Mayor of Parker.

Anne Barrington


From: Greenwood Village

Neighborhood: The Estates at Quail Creek

Family: Husband and 4 Children

Occupation: Owner - Barrington Group

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally? 

My name is Anne Barrington & I have lived in Parker in The Estates at Quail Creek with my family for 18 years. The past 15 years, I have owned Barrington Group Real Estate, Inc. and earlier this year, with a business partner started Card My Yard Parker, a yard greeting rental service.

Why are you running for office? 

I believe that anyone seeking public office should be a long-standing member of the community, understand the desires of local business and have a track record of community involvement. I am at a place in my life where I am able to give back to the community that helped me raise a family and supported my business endeavors. It would be an honor and a privilege to serve the Parker community as one of the newest Town Council Members.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? 

Over the past 18 years in Parker, I built two businesses, raised a family, and continue to be extremely involved in the leadership of Parker’s business community. As Vice Chair of the Downtown Business Alliance, I have been a voice for business owners and residents. I negotiate for a living and one of my strengths is the ability to be flexible, see both sides of the issue, weigh pros and cons, and provide sound judgement on decisions to ensure it benefits all Parker residents. My biggest weakness is my heart for others.

How do you plan to help small businesses? 

My campaign theme is “Keep it Local.” I will go to bat for local businesses. Whether it is a franchise, big box, or Mom & Pop all are intricately connected with the wellbeing of our community. Franchise owners are oftentimes local Parker residents, big box stores offer community support for schools, provide jobs for residents, as well as sales tax revenue. Homegrown businesses give us that hometown feeling. We do not want to lose that!

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that? 

One goal is to “Elevate Downtown Parker” as a destination of choice. We do not want Parker residents to leave Parker to shop or for a night out. I will be a collaborative partner for small business, entrepreneurs and new businesses that want to start, or grow their business in Parker. I will strive to recruit new businesses and encourage economic growth and business development in Parker. If COVID has a silver lining, it’s that it taught us we can shift to a daytime economy! Let’s continue to make Parker a vibrant, thriving town that celebrates all of our economic drivers.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

I am completely in line with the Town of Parker’s “Balanced Growth” vision. We can’t place a full stop on growth, but we can, and must, maintain a balance. In my opinion, the Town of Parker needs to continue to evolve and change otherwise it will stagnate. I do not want to see this happen in Parker. If we want a thriving business community, we must be able to provide housing for not only the business owners, but their employees and families as well.

Recently, we saw a boom of restaurant and retail establishments. During COVID-19 our community rallied around them to help those business owners keep their doors open. That is the type of town that I want my children to move back to once they are ready to raise their families. One that I can retire in and have living options to visit my own aging parents and family members.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions? 

The Town Parker seeks public comment on many different issues facing the town and offers a variety of communication vehicles for residents to express their concerns, provide feedback, and offer suggestions. I would use these tools in addition to the personal relationships I have built with the business community and the community as a whole to listen and engage in conversations with my constituents.

What sets you apart from the other candidates? 

I have lived the Parker life for 18 years, built my businesses here and have been a voice and advocate for small businesses. I have stood up for our Town and understand what it takes to make the hard decisions that are required of a Town Council member.

John Diak


From: Parker

Neighborhood: Bradbury Hills

Family: Wife and 3 Children

Occupation: Financial Planner

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

John Diak, Bradbury Hills, Wife (Noelle) and three children (Justin, Tyler and Mikaya), Financial Planner

Why are you running for office?

Parker has been my home for the last 37 years and I feel a sense of duty to utilize my knowledge and skill set to further the interests of the community.

Additionally, I have assumed leadership roles within various regional organizations. I would like to fulfill my leadership commitments, provide continuity and be a mentor to the next generation of elected officials to ensure continued local and regional success.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

Greatest Strength - Collaboration - Active listening to define issues, build consensus and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Greatest Weakness - Not being able to say no to a challenge.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

In the COVID era, create awareness and personally walk through with business owners the various Federal and County assistance programs. We need to continue to reduce policy challenges and make it easier for businesses to reestablish normal operations. Longer term, creating and encouraging activity within the various business districts to attract willing customers to businesses.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

Mainstreet can be better. The Town needs to find suitable development partners to purchase Town owned land and build consistent with the My Mainstreet plan to expand and connect Mainstreet. Creating a sense of place through proper development will attract citizens and create the walkability and vibrancy desired in Parker's Downtown.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

Transportation infrastructure is an area of constant need but improvements will soon be realized. Working collaboratively with the County and other local and regional organizations, Parker will see over $98.5 million of transportation projects in the Parker area over the next 5 years. The main focus will be safety, increasing roadway connections and reducing congestion by creating parallel routes to Parker Road

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

By continuing the current Town efforts to increase accessibility to information and elected leaders as well as providing platforms to seek and collect citizen input on Town issues. All master/area plans and modifications to the Town's ordinances have multiple open houses to seek citizen input before coming to Council. Parker has a web platform - Let's Talk Parker - that has been regionally recognized and is a model to other communities looking to increase civic engagement. Using the various special events around Town - Farmer's Market, Concerts In The Park - to engage the public and discuss matters will continue to seek input. Most importantly, being available and responsive to individual requests to meet and discuss Town matters.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

Being a Councilmember for the last 8 years, I’m very familiar with the Town’s operational process and the many boards, committees and commissions I would be asked to sit on to represent the Town. My strong financial background and diverse land use knowledge provides the competency to understand and participate in resolution of complex local and regional issues. My collaborative approach within my Council duties and external Board assignments have achieved uncommon results. My leadership ability has been recognized by my peers – being unanimously selected by politically diverse Boards to assume leadership duties to oversee organizations of regional significance.

Michael Drennan


From: Chicago, Illinois

Neighborhood: Anthology

Family: Wife and 3 Children

Occupation: SVP CPG Beverage

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally? 

Anthology, Sharon, Rachel, Reese, Ray, married for 20 years, SVP CPG Beverage. 

Why are you running for office?

City Council

  What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? 

Strength would be my leadership philosophy, adaptive to allow flexibility in all situations.  Provide and seek clarity with good listening skills.  Weakness golf.

How do you plan to help small businesses? 

Understand the small business core standards and data metrics they use for benchmarking of milestone accomplishments and market concerns. Focus on understanding the “why” of the past and look towards the “how” of the future.   Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that? 

Yes, I think it is healthy.  I would like to see more seasonal events driving more consumers downtown.  Events for the family like Holiday Ice carvings or Halloween great pumpkin patch events. What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc? 

Traffic is growing and I think we need to look at options to help the community with transit like a new station similar to other communities.   How do you plan to involve residents in decisions? 

Social Media updates. What sets you apart from the other candidates? 

Living in Colorado over 20 years, I have seen the growth.  My family and I first lived in Highlands Ranch prior to moving to Parker, so I understand change.  Change needed like lowering water bills and managing aggressive HOA's.  I have a good understanding of business, as I finished my MBA at Washington University in St. Louis (Olin School of Business)providing me acumens into highly complex and comprehensive analysis as well as insights and recommendations for elements related to revenue management like budget allocation for top & bottom line results.  Good collaboration skills; Experience in leading joint business planning meetings with internal and external customers, locking down joint growth goals and pillars to support that growth, including innovation and new platform expansion.

Frederick Freund


From: Parker

Neighborhood: Canterberry

Family: Wife and 2 Children

Occupation: Sr. Systems Administrator

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

While I was born in Orlando, FL, I’ve been in Parker Colorado far longer than anywhere else. I’ve lived here since 1998 and went to Ponderosa High School. While working at the Home Depot I had to make enough to pay for the next semester's tuition so I could get my degree. While at Home Depot I also met my wonderful wife. We now live in the Canterberry neighborhood with our 2 children who desperately want to go back to school full time!

Why are you running for office?

I want Parker to this type of community feel when my kids grow up. I want them to have the difficult choice of moving away from their parents or staying parker, just like my wife and I did. However, things need to change in order to keep this community feel. A town like this doesn't happen by accident. We need better communication with the people, better development choices, and fewer regulations that inhibit our community from thriving.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My strengths stem from my profession. In the world of Information Technology, you have to learn quickly and problem solve. That is very similar to what the council does on a routine basis. If something comes up that you’ve never dealt with before, you need to be able to figure it out and make an educated decision. We all have flaws, mine boils down to wanting to be involved with as many things as possible. I want to help everywhere I can but it can get overwhelming at times.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

Small businesses give Parker that awesome charm and keep people shopping here. I would love to see more downtown small businesses. A pizza parlor and coffee shop next to Discovery Park would be a great addition. I plan to make sure our town can support small businesses in Parker and bring more people in to shop, eat, and just hang out. This would include encouraging more commercial development in the downtown area and additional parking for those who drive into the area.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

Parker has a wonderful downtown area, but it isn’t as successful as it could be. Additional shops and restaurants would bring in more foot traffic downtown. In addition to the increase in commercial/retail space, additional areas for parks, and a place to hang out would go a long way.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

While you know my input on Parking, I think growth and traffic go hand in hand. Parker is growing at an alarming rate. It’s not sustainable. The town needs to keep up with roads and traffic patterns as developments move in. Approving only developments we can sustain is an important decision to make on the council. Simply letting a developer build whatever they want isn’t the solution. I also believe that if a developer wants to build in Parker, they should pay for the additional strain on our infrastructure instead of taxpayers.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

There are 3 main avenues of communication between the Town Council and the people of Parker. Petitions (that have been thrown out in the past), Public comment, and elections. Sometimes the people turn out for public comment but when they don’t, we need a council that understands what the general public wants.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I’m so passionate about Parker. As an average Parker resident, I relate to those who feel like they are not being heard. On top of that, my career in IT has taught me to learn quickly and problem solve. Being able to analyze an issue that is brought before the council and ask the questions the people want to know sets me aside from other candidates.

Mark C. Hall


From: Columbine

Neighborhood: Bradbury Hills

Family: Wife and dog

Occupation: Retired

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I grew up in the Columbine area and graduated from CHS in 1981. My wife and I moved to the Parker Area in the mid-90’s. We moved to our current resident in Bradbury Hills in 2006. It is just the two of us and our dog, Gigi. We have no kids. I worked in the Credit Union Industry before joining Visa. I retired in 2016 and love my hobbies and time volunteering. I stay busy with being the Lead Chairman of the Parker Republicans and a Lead Volunteer with the National Western Stock Show.

Why are you running for office?

I love Parker and am honored to live here and call it home. I want to maintain fiscal responsibility, our status as one of the most desirable places to live, and one of the safest. We had an amazing opportunity recently in Wyoming that would have required us to move. However, I felt the need to run for Town Council to keep Parker moving forward. In 2014, I brought national attention to Parker when I carried the Olympic torch for the USA, now it is time for me to carry the torch for the Residents of Parker

What is your greatest strength?

Your greatest weakness? My greatest strength is planning, preparation, and organization. All which will come in handy as I have the time being retired to do extensive research on issues facing the town. My fiscal background will also be an asset to the Council. My greatest weakness is wanting things done yesterday.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

I already do that by focusing on frequenting businesses owned by locals. I know the owners of just about every small business in town and fought hard to get them open as an original Reopen Colorado Member. Going forward I would meet with the Downtown Business Alliance and learn their needs and areas where the town could make changes to assist them. Especially now, in the era where our Governor seems to be against small businesses.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful?

If not, how will you change that? I do think that Mainstreet and the downtown area is successful. Going from 20 Mile to Pine Curve is what I am focusing on primarily. The addition of the Laszlo and its restaurants has contributed to the west side as well as the newly opened Gym Co. Tavern. I do believe there are more opportunities along the entire stretch for responsible growth and improvements to make the downtown area more of a destination with better walkability.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc? Overall, Parker has done a good job with our roads. Surrounding communities need to help as well. We need to recognize how many non-residents travel our roads from the south and the east. John Diak leads DrCog and has been instrumental in helping us receive funding for our projects. I believe more development is needed for traffic relief to the east of downtown. For example, everyone must cross Parker Road to get to a grocery store. This creates unnecessary traffic on our east/west artillery roads. Parker Road itself can be an issue but that requires working with CDOT.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

Being retired, I plan to make myself available to discuss, listen, and research extensive so I can bring their concerns to our Study Sessions. It is important to remember that there are 6 Council Members so without a doubt I’ll, listen, and advocate for the residents but in the end I have just one vote. I won’t make promises I can’t keep.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

My honesty. For example, I am not hiding behind a mask (yes, I wear one when required) but Residents will know exactly where I sit and stand on issues and politically. A non-partisan race simply means there is no party nomination to get on the ballot. Non-partisan does not mean non principled nor does it mean you must shed your political or religious bonds to run for the Town Council. A vote for me is a vote for the voice of reason.

Laura Hefta


From: East Coast

Neighborhood: Horseshoe Ridge

Family: Husband and 2 Sons

Occupation: Attorney - Laura Hefta Law

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I am originally from the East Coast and have lived in 11 different states during my military service with the Army. I moved to Colorado in 2001. My husband Mark and I have two sons, Jon and Martin and we live in the Horseshoe Ridge Subdivision. I am a licensed Colorado attorney and have my own law firm, Laura Hefta, LLC.

Why are you running for office?

I am running for office to serve the residents of Parker, Colorado. From my legal, business, military, and government background, I know how to make decisions, propose policy and accomplish key objectives. I learned these skills in the Army as a Judge Advocate and from my civilian attorney positions with the Department of Defense, The Comptroller of the Currency and my own law firm. In my previous positions I have created policy, approved budgets, and analyzed complex legal/business matters regarding land usage, financial issues, and environmental issues.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is my compassion for people and their concerns. I volunteer legal services at SECOR Cares, the Parker Senior Center and Southeast Christian Church in Parker. My greatest weakness is that I can overestimate how much I can get done in one day. I would love more hours in the day to work on issues, but you have to sleep!

How do you plan to help small businesses?

I intend to help small businesses thrive through strategic partnerships, programs and educational opportunities. I will retain and strengthen Parker’s existing businesses by creating a more supportive business environment through outreach campaigns, and enhanced strategic relationships. I will advocate for changes to the Town’s current administrative process for small businesses to streamline procedures. I am a member of the Parker Chamber of Commerce and the Parker Rotary Club.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

The hub of main downtown will continue to endure as the roads are maintained and many other businesses are in this area. During my campaign I have learned that people from many other communities regularly enjoy our restaurants and businesses in downtown Parker, so I know it is healthy. I will advocate that any new businesses built downtown pay for their own parking lot, with adequate spaces. I will advocate for new family style restaurants to be built downtown with open fire pits for community sharing so our residents can enjoy dining outside more often.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc.

I support new local transportation resources, and increasing requirements for transportation with new developments. I will advocate that we invest in new technology to allow for tracking and synchronization of traffic signals. I will support Parker leaving the Regional Transportation District since we pay over $11 million dollars a year and only receive $1 million dollars in service. I will ensure that traffic study impacts are submitted and reviewed for each new business that wants to operate in Parker. I will advocate for smart growth and support future-focused planning for infrastructure with services for our residents, while maintaining the beauty of our community.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

I will be accessible to residents through community outreach, meetings, and email. I will advocate for the Town of Parker to submit to all our residents’ surveys/questionnaires and insist there is greater advertisement for their input. On an administrative level for town governance, I will propose moving town executive session discussions that are not related to lawsuits and personnel matters to public sessions. Most importantly, I will advocate that critical issues are placed on the ballot so the residents of Parker make these decisions.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

What sets me apart from other candidates is that I have the education, knowledge and experience in government, law and business to effectively serve as a Town Council Member. When complex issues arise, I will examine all the facts, analyze the data, listen to our residents, and promote strategic solutions for our town. I am an action oriented person who makes measured and balanced decisions. I will work to ensure Parker residents’ voice is heard and respected when serving them as a Town Council member. Keep Parker Beautiful!

Todd Hendreks FOR TOWN COUNCIL From: Houston, Texas Neighborhood: Hidden River Family: Wife and 2 Children Occupation: Information Technology Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I was born in Houston, Texas and moved to Colorado in 1999. As a 16 year resident of Parker, my wife and I have two children (13 / 11) and two dogs in our family. For my career,I am an Information Technology Professional that specializes in Data Analytics. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies and small start-ups. My industry experience includes:  Financial Services, Healthcare, Aerospace / Defense, Travel, Telecommunication, E-Commerce, Federal Government Why are you running for office? I have a proven track record of community service and civic duty. Running for Town Council is a natural progression for me. As an Unaffiliated candidate that is fiscally conservative and on issues ranging from conservative to moderate, I have the capacity to listen, understand concerns from all over the spectrum and most of all be fair. I do not think Parker needs to be fixed. I am running because I feel it is a special place where I wish to maintain and improve the hometown feel that still exists today and improve the quality of life not only for my family, but yours and your neighbors. What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? Oh c'mon seriously? At least I am not being asked what my spirit animal is. One of my greatest strengths is my level of obligation to volunteer for the Community, which lends itself from my Rotary motto "Service Above Self." As far as my greatest weakness, I don't view life like that but rather there is room for improvement. Thus, flossing my teeth nightly needs some work. How do you plan to help small businesses?

I am a big proponent of small business, where one example was during the lockdown last spring due to Covid, I created Google Sheets for Food and Non-Food businesses for their customers in order to help them survive and this was a 100% voluntary effort. When elected I will continue educating the residents on the importance of #shopLocal as it pertains to sales tax revenue for the Town. I will also look into streamlining how the Town interacts with small businesses on approvals or general enhancements as I am told that can be daunting. Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful?

If not, how will you change that? Over the years I have seen Mainstreet / Downtown change from a ghost town to becoming more vibrant but I think there is, yes, room for improvement. I would encourage Town Staff, with community involvement, to look into options to fill out this area for more mixed use options of work, shop, play type options. Regarding the Pine Curve property, the Town residents made a significant investment there so I want at least to see valid options, if any, since that is the elephant in the room for Downtown. What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc? Regarding traffic, I recently interviewed the Director of Engineering and Public Works for the Town of Parker asking what is in store for Parker in the future. Due to partnerships with the county, state, CDOT and other entities, we have roughly $78 million dollars of NON-Town fund money slated for improvements. And, if one takes the time to actually do homework, this department has done quite a lot given a limited budget. I encourage anyone to look at their 10 year history and not come away impressed. I remember a time when there was no Hess Road to I-25, no Mainstreet to Ridgegate to I-25, no Chambers or Jordan road extension....the list goes on. And the biggest complaint is Parker Road, which is a state highway run by CDOT not the Town of Parker. So in order to improve, I would continue to encourage relationships with the various entities mentioned earlier. For parking, there are certainly places in Town where there could be more. But in my many years living here I have rarely had issues finding a parking spot. Sometimes I have to walk a block or two, but I want a walkable Town. I do think we would be wise to save some land or work with a property owner in building a parking garage along Mainstreet to prepare for future growth. Finally we get to growth. I recently interviewed the Community Development Director for the Town of Parker to talk about growth. The Town is roughly 71% built out, with most of the remaining undeveloped or vacant land is located in the Anthology North and Hess Planned Developments. The remaining areas are pockets here and there and the reality is over the next 10-20 years the Town will approach build-out and be increasingly mature in its development character. Whatever growth we can manage going forward I want more community involvement with Town Staff and Developers to ensure we are all on the same page. Growth Areas I Support: Small business,  Parks / Recreation & Open Space, Office or Flex Space, Infrastructure, Senior Housing, Home Ownership.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

My history of getting citizens involved goes back for several years now, starting over half a decade ago. Along with sharing news, facts, events about Town matters on social media, I created a Facebook group called Parker Data Hub that focuses on getting residents involved. When elected I will encourage more involvement of residents by attending Town Council &  Planning Commission meetings, Town Staff led Open Houses and other avenues, just like I did many years ago.  What sets you apart from the other candidates?

As a long time resident I have educated myself on how a Town functions by talking with Town officials and staff, attending numerous Town Council and Planning Commission meetings and Town Staff Open Houses. I took my involvement a step further by graduating from the Parker Civic Academy and Parker Police Citizens Academy. And I decided to serve Parker in roles as a Planning Commissioner and Cultural & Scientific Commissioner. My Volunteer duties also extend to service as Parker Hawks Youth Lacrosse Coach, Parker Task Force Volunteer, Downtown Business Alliance Board Member (Community Representative), COPPS (Citizens Offering Parker Police Support), Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club of Parker Treasurer & Fundraiser (Parker Brewfest - $139K+ raised for charities!), St. Baldrick's Fundraiser ($14K+ raised!), Hidden River III HOA Social Chair and Parker Data Hub (Community Facebook Group) Creator. In summary, I am the candidate that has a long, proven history of education, service and is active in the community between election cycles. In my opinion, when you want someone to represent you as an Elected Official, you should expect nothing less.

Nathan J. Matthews


From: All over

Neighborhood: Idyllwilde

Family: Wife and 7 Children

Occupation: VP of Wealth Management

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally? I grew up in a military family moving around the country every couple years. I attended the University of Nebraska-Omaha and moved out to Colorado the weekend of graduation.  My wife Tiffany and I live in Idyllwilde with our seven children who range in age from 16 to 1. Professionally I’ve been in the financial industry since 2003.  In November 2012 I took a position with UBS Financial Services and am currently a Vice President of Wealth Management at the firm.

Why are you running for office? My vision is to see the residents of Parker thrive!  Reducing or eliminating taxes whenever possible is one way residents can thrive.  As a Town Councilmember my top priority will be to get Parker’s 3% sales tax on groceries eliminated.  Please visit my website for more on why I’m running! What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness? My greatest strength is my ability to remain calm under pressure and think clearly through difficult issues.  My greatest weakness is wanting to quickly solve problems and help people when some solutions are complex or will take time. How do you plan to help small businesses? Government should not be in the position of determining which businesses are essential or non-essential.  Many small businesses were deemed “non-essential” and closed due to the Covid shutdowns.  All businesses are essential, and I will advocate for business owners and promote the right to earn a living. Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that? I do believe Mainstreet / downtown is healthy – it is a favorite destination for our family and adds to Parker’s small-town community charm. What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc? Parker is a popular community and will continue to see growth in the years ahead. With Parker’s growth, many have expressed their frustration over the increasing traffic and commute times around town.  We need to focus on responsible growth that pays for the necessary infrastructure enhancements to continue supporting all of Parker’s residents while maintaining our small-town community feel. How do you plan to involve residents in decisions? James Madison’s quote on Town Hall says it best: “The ultimate authority…resides in the people alone.” I’m running to serve and represent my fellow residents.  I will listen to residents, deal honestly with their concerns and make their voices heard on Town Council. What sets you apart from the other candidates? My financial expertise will serve Parker residents well. A key responsibility of Town Councilmembers is to approve the annual Town budget. My priority will be to utilize my expertise to scrutinize the budget and oversee our taxpayer dollars and how funds are spent.

Lyndsey Quist


From: San Diego, California

Neighborhood: Horseshoe Ridge

Family: Husband and 2 Children

Occupation: Fundraising & Non-profit

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I am originally from San Diego, California and have been in Parker since 2014. I live in Horseshoe Ridge with my husband Matt, our young children Cooper and Sienna, our Boston Terrier Sophie, and two cats named Willow and Aspen. I am a fundraising and non-profit management professional, working to bring people together to fund community projects. Through my career and volunteer experience I have worked with many jurisdictions on community revitalization, economic development, small business support, state departments of transportation, and health and human services.

Why are you running for office?

I’ve spent my career in philanthropy and community service, bringing people together to solve issues in downtown revitalization, education, homelessness and the arts. As I have continued bringing people together, the connections I have built in Parker have been rooted in my experience as a parent and volunteer. I have worked to encourage Parker residents of all ages to become involved in their local government, school district, and community to ensure their voice is heard. I am running for Parker Town Council to bring greater representation to Parker and to listen to the constituents of this town.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is my ability to bring people together to solve community issues. I have spent my career in philanthropy bringing people together to solve problems by connecting ideas to those with the capacity to fund projects. I believe in building bridges between local business and the community to benefit the greater good.

My greatest weakness is my desire to take on more projects than I can manage. Thankfully, becoming a parent forced me to take a hard look at my various commitments and prioritize where I would spend my time. Time is one of our most precious resources, and when we live in a community like Parker, we also have to find time to relax and enjoy the many recreational opportunities. I have now learned to focus my attention and time to the areas where I can make the greatest impact in my community.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

I grew up in a small family business and spent my college years working alongside my parents. I have personally seen the hard times that small businesses can go through and I know that 2020 has been a rough year for small businesses here in Parker. I will work with the Parker Chamber of Commerce, the SBA and the Parker Economic Development Department to provide opportunities for our small businesses. In addition to working with government agencies and business support systems, we can all play an important role by shopping and dining in our local Parker community. When small businesses succeed, the entire community benefits, through increased tax revenue, local job growth, and a strong community feel.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

Mainstreet is one of my favorite areas of Parker. It represents both our history and our future. Downtown Parker is also a perfect example of how growth can present new challenges. Recent developments have proceeded despite the parking and traffic concerns that residents continue to voice. In my platform I address the need for growth to be balanced so that it benefits the Town and doesn’t stretch our infrastructure too thin. I will prioritize our infrastructure needs of traffic, parking, water, sanitation and public safety to ensure that growth does not negatively impact our Parker hometown feel and quality of life. New businesses in downtown Parker adds to our community as long as we have the infrastructure to support the business.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

Transportation infrastructure is at the center of my platform for sustainable and balanced growth. As Parker continues to grow, we must create a sustainable environment for our residents and ensure that growth does not negatively impact traffic and parking. For several years now Parker residents have voiced concerns over downtown parking and congested streets. Since the 2017 Downtown Parking Plan there have been significant changes to the area. We need to take another look at the plan and how our community has been impacted by recent developments in areas that lack the necessary parking or traffic control. New development should not be approved without providing the infrastructure necessary to support the new businesses.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

I am running to ensure that more Parker residents feel represented in their local government. I promise to be available to all of my constituents and to always listen to all sides of an argument. I will host town halls, be available for 1:1 meetings or telephone calls and wait to make a decision until I have heard from all concerned parties. I have been in local meetings and watched as residents spoke only to have their representatives vote a different way. While our Town will never completely agree on an issue, I promise to listen to my constituents and be open minded about their concerns.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

My non-profit experience and board management brings a unique perspective to Town Council. I have helped organizations diversify their leadership to bring more voices to the table. I have also worked in community organizing, with the goal of increasing community engagement. As a development professional I have always practiced fiscal conservatism and I understand the complicated balance of funding community needs. A career in fundraising means working behind the scenes to focus on the needs of the greater community, which translates perfectly into the work of a Council member. I promise to put the needs of the entire community front and center in my work on Town Council.

Jeeva Senthilnathan


From: Parker

Neighborhood: Clarke Farms

Family: Parents and elder sister

Occupation: Owner - Privando

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

My name is Jeeva Senthilnathan, I am 18 years old, a Gen-Z Candidate, and I am running as a candidate for the position of councilmember for the Parker Town Council. I currently live in Clarke Farms within Parker. My family consists of my mother, father, and my elder sister. Professionally, I am an international business owner with my company, Privando I started in high school. I am also currently a freshman student at the Colorado School Of Mines, studying Computer Science with Research Honors.

Why are you running for office?

Many council members after being elected, don’t put in the work promised. I am running for office because the promises I make for the community are the promises that will be kept. I am seeking this office because I know that if something needs to get done, that I will have to do it myself. I do not “depend” on local elected officials to make the change, the impact. Throughout me living in Parker, I have always found a way to make the same impact/change in alternative ways with creative methods.

Living in Parker since pre-school, I haven’t felt many exciting changes throughout my life here, living in the town. I often ended up being the only high school student at the Parker Town Hall attending the council meetings. I hope that running as a Gen-Z student will inspire young people within the town to take part in these important meetings, giving them the opportunity to be civically engaged.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is listening to the community. In this world, it can be so easy to give advice, so easy to respond to questions, so easy to speak in doing good, but the skill that is the most hardest for many candidates is listening. When I am listening to the community, I prioritize their needs and wants. Because of this, I am willing to give up my own rights and beliefs in making decisions, if elected for this council.

My greatest weakness is the amount of confidence I lack because I am naturally shy. I think twice before everything I do. As an 18 year old who is still growing and learning about the world, it is difficult for me to step into every decision I make firmly. My confidence builds through the community, and I think that is a large reason as to why I am running. The community and I, we hold each other’s backs. Hopefully if elected, by the end of my term, I would wish that this being one of my greatest weakness, would turn into one my greatest strengths because of how much the community would help me grow as a human being.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

If elected, I must accomplish supporting local businesses to bring employment for the community in Parker. Many community members who work in STEM-related jobs from Parker leave the town to work in their profession. I want to address this by bringing in new chapters to Parker, that will be owned by Parker residents from existing STEM companies within the state of Colorado. While there are a number of limited STEM jobs in various fields within the area of Parker, I know that there are multiple professions (not including STEM) that community members are pursuing, who would also like to work closer to home. I would like to really hear out that community and do the best of my ability in developing the expansion of Parker through a focus on increasing employment.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful? If not, how will you change that?

I think that Mainstreet/downtown is somewhat successful but is also extremely dehydrated. While there are some comforts of the community that are addressed, we can definitely spice up the Town Of Parker in more creative ways. As mentioned below, transit ridership is key in downtown Mainstreet with electric scooters, having easy access to small shops and groceries. This is a policy I would implement if elected to add the cherry on top for Parker. With this policy, we are hitting two birds with one stone, cutting traffic in those areas by giving the community a different transportation option, and also adding some pizzazz for the community, making it enjoyable and fun for all in the community.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

One major issue the Town Of Parker struggles with is the Roads and Transportation due to the amount of limited space which causes much traffic. I want to address this issue by finding alternative routes, as well as implementing a transit ridership policy, which includes electric scooters just like the way it is in Denver. Implementing this policy is very important for the town because traffic would be cut in half, when community members are able to travel 5-10 minutes within the Town Of Parker to the library or to the grocery store, whereas many cars taking the road would block space and increase the time for traffic.

While there are many factors like population control that play a role for residential development, I strongly believe that the residential growth in the Town of Parker is economically very beneficial. I would support the growth, but at the same time, the appropriate way for the town to guide/manage this growth would be through providing all other amenities necessary for the community. I feel that it is very important that we allow space for future expansion for meeting the community’s needs of employment within the town.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

I plan to involve residents in these decisions by actually holding one on one meetings with individuals from the community as well as hold regular town halls, listening to the community needs. If elected, I will make each and every single decision with the data by the town wants and needs, meaning I will hold surveys and questionnaires on specific legislation kept in public, where community members themselves will vote. Based on the majority of the public, I will put down my vote, siding with the majority of the town. On top of this, I will also include professionals and experts from different topics, to join me at these town halls to educate the community. Involving residents through this process is not only 100% fair, but it allows a great deal of the community to be civically engaged. I believe that having a governmental process like this here locally, and in our country, will lead to a more prosperous future, as we will generally be able to come to an overall consensus.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I am 18 years old, a Gen-Z Candidate, and I believe no young person has ever attempted to run for the Parker Town Council. The first question that comes to mind for many community members, is what makes Jeeva credible as an 18-year-old, to run for the Parker Town Council?

I have always been known throughout the community for being very ambitious. I have lived all my life in Parker since Kindergarten. I graduated from the Colorado Early Colleges Parker, receiving both my high school diploma and associate’s degree together. Throughout high school, I often spent my time on community service projects within the town and have expanded out internationally. After the community has seen my extensive level of applying user empathy to everything I do, I received the Golden level of the President’s Volunteer Service Award along with a letter from White House with a special message from our 45th President. I also became the only finalist in the state of Colorado in the Top 24 to receive the National Honor Society Scholarship, along with the Philanthropic Educational Organization’s STAR scholarship (only given to 880 women in the nation).

Wrapping up my final semester at CECP, I conducted extensive scientific research in mental health in collecting electroencephalography (EEG) waves to identify cognitive abilities, levels of motivation, and consciousness in teenagers. My research examined differences between the levels of brain activity of students taking practice ACT exams, with the end goal of developing a microchip implant – for which I am currently seeking a patent – to help balance neurotransmitters in the brain. From high school, I started a small company with the medical device called Neurbula and has received a grant to continue my research at the Colorado School of Mines for this fall.

I believe that I am the best choice for office because I bring a variety of experiences to the table that no one can match. From being involved in STEM, to business, and politics, I believe that I am a well-rounded citizen that can bring so much more for this council to spice up Parker.

Kendra Sindelman


From: Vermont

Neighborhood: Auburn Hills

Family: Husband and Twins

Occupation: Ad. Research Director

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I grew up in a small town in Vermont, similar to the size of Parker in the 1980’s, a place where neighbors pitched in and where we truly were a community. I attended Syracuse University and lived in Brooklyn, NY until 2010 when my twins were born and we came to Colorado. We have lived in the area since 2012, and purchased our first home in Auburn Hills in 2014. My family is my husband Shaun, and my ten year old twins Miles and Elliot. I am an advertising research director, I figure out the best way advertisers can connect with people.

Why are you running for office?

I love Parker. I have built a really strong community of neighbors within Auburn Hills. I’m active at the school, helped start both our neighborhood social committee and Facebook group. When I leave my community bubble, I lose the connection that I love, I feel lost. I ran to work on building similar connections with people, hear what they say. A common theme is that residents don’t feel they are being heard.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is that I am a collaborative strategic problem solver. My biggest weakness is that I have the tendency to take/make things personal when they shouldn’t be. 4- How do you plan to help small businesses? I’d like the Town to provide additional resources for small businesses. We have seen a lot of small businesses close as a result of COVID. IThrive Yoga, a community I was a part of for 5 years, closed their doors and it broke my heart. I’d offer my skill set to provide marketing resources for in trouble businesses, I have 20 years of marketing know-how, figuring out how to reach audiences, ensure the community is aware. I do also think we have a community of super talented individuals that would be willing to offer their skill sets too. It is our greatest responsibility to rally behind our local businesses and help them survive in these uncertain economic times.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful?

If not, how will you change that? I do think Downtown is healthy and successful, it is also congested. Promoting alternative entry points avoiding Mainstreet and Parker Rd and figuring out ways to ease congestion has to be a priority of the Town.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

The town of Parker is nearly all built out, and it is time to evolve. We aren’t getting our investment in the RTD, infrastructure lacks and we need roads, but these things do not happen overnight. There are currently plans in place to do a lot of stuff with regional partners which needs to continue.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

Let’s Talk Parker is a community resource that exists now, it is a forum to engage community feedback. Unfortunately, residents are not aware of this system or actively using it in a way that the data collected is reliable. I would work to build community engagement, talk to the residents. I would also work to add a level of Transparency to the Town Council process, ensure residents are aware of Study Sessions on particular proposals so they can actively engage while the planning is happening.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

There seems to be a disconnect between the Town Council. There is infrastructure in place to connect the residents of Parker to the Town, but community engagement is not happening. I would work to enhance these systems, push for outreach and engagement. The best part, I have built a 20 year career doing this for brands like NBC, STARZ, P&G and Coca-Cola. I love Parker, I want it to be place where our residents are happy and content. We all have a vision for an ideal Parker, and it likely all looks pretty similar. What is evident, our growth has outpaced our infrastructure needs and we need to work collaboratively and creatively to figure things out. I’d love to be one of the individuals that’s gets to have a seat at the table to help Parker evolve.

Brandi J. Wilks


From: Parker

Neighborhood: Senderos Creek

Family: Husband and 4 Children

Occupation: Mom

Where are you from, what neighborhood do you currently live in, who is in your family, and what do you do professionally?

I am a Parker Native and 3rd Generation Parker Resident. I have lived all over Parker but currently my husband and I are raising our 4 beautiful children in Neu Towne aka Senderos Creek. My family consists of my Husband Cory, and our 4 children ranging from Kindergarten to a Senior in High School. My main profession is being a great Mom but I am also the Marketing Director for my Husband's Real Estate Brokerage and I am a professional photographer as my hobby.

Why are you running for office?

After reading the Parker 2035 Master Plan, My top priority is to be a powerful voice for the Homeowners of the Town of Parker who have invested their money, time, and families lifestyles into Parker. Although growth is inevitable, growth should be managed and planned to keep our community the amazing “Home Town Feel” that we all love and chose to live here for. Our Master Plan is an excellent guiding light for Parker. I read the entire Master Plan for Parker and found that I really loved the plan that was laid out for our town. However I started noticing where new construction had obviously been approved that had very specifically gone against the Master Plan. I was shocked this could happen in the first place, I was curious how this could be, and how I could make a difference, and how I could be a voice for the Homeowners of Parker when these critical decisions were to be made. Actually serving our town and being on Town Council would be the biggest way for me to make a difference to be a Voice for the Residents of Parker.

What is your greatest strength? Your greatest weakness?

My greatest strength is actually my empathy. I am able to not only listen to people around me but truly take in and understand what they are communicating. I believe that through seeking to understand why rather than making up my own conclusion, I can create an environment of abundance. Weakness isn't a word I like to use because I am constantly learning and growing and therefore I will answer this, an area in which I am wanting to improve upon in my life is delegating. I am constantly attempting to solve all the problems & help anyone who needs it all on my own when I know there is amazing support out there for me when I ask for it.

How do you plan to help small businesses?

Being a Parker Native, I remember and enjoy so many of our locally owned businesses that I shop and eat and use them often. In fact I have family who has owned businesses in Parker for many decades. I feel that so many people would love our locally owned shops & restaurants if they knew about them and have reviews on them. I actually with my husband have a local facebook page called discovering parker and we showcase all the amazing things there are to do in Parker including local shops, restaurants, and businesses. Being able to spread the word and encourage more residents to shop / eat / and hire locally is very important. I am not sure of the exact method on how to accomplish this, but I am looking forward to getting into council & collaborating with local business owners to see how best to support their businesses.

Do you think Mainstreet / downtown is healthy and successful?

If not, how will you change that? There is a lot of turnover in Parker especially on Main Street. The addition of the new library, discovery park, and the PACE center have definitely helped but I believe there is more we can do to help it thrive. The best thing I can do as Council is to actually get out there and talk to the residents of Parker and see what they would like to see improved or changed and then once I have some opinions I can then mastermind with my other council members to see what we can make happen.

What are your views on our transportation infrastructure - traffic, parking, growth, etc?

Back to what I was saying about the growth of Parker being inevitable, I also believe growth should be managed and planned accordingly to keep our Home Town Feel. One of the main concerns I hear consistently is the speeding through residential neighborhoods where children constantly play. I have personally witnessed several close calls in my own neighborhood & have heard the sad stories of people watching their animals get hit by speeding cars and even worse, I have heard of 3 stories here in Parker where small children were hit by cars. This is something that needs to be addressed and discussed so we can come up with an action plan to protect the neighborhood children & animals from speeding cars, one of my ideas is installing speed bumps in high traffic residential areas to force speeding cars to slow down. Traffic on Lincoln, Parker Road and now Mainstreet to Ridgegate is becoming an increasing problem as more neighborhoods are added to our town, the answer for that will lie in a collaboration with the City engineers and us council members to determine the best way to manage traffic while still keeping with the Master Plan of the town.

How do you plan to involve residents in decisions?

I want to be a Voice for the Residents of Parker. That is my main reason for wanting to give back to our town by being on council is so they are heard. I am very active in social media and in our town events and encourage everyone I know to reach out to me or come up and talk to me so I can be made aware of what is really important to them. I have had several people over the past few weeks contact me with their concerns and I have already started diving into them and gathering as much information as I can so that I can bring it to council and see if there is an alternate solution.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

The biggest thing that sets me apart from everyone else running is I AM a Parker Native and 3rd Generation Parker Resident. I am a Mom of 4 & a Parker Business Woman who wants to be a voice for the Residents of Parker who have chosen like me to raise their kids in this wonderful town making them the 4th generation for Parker. I am deeply rooted in Parker and plan on helping this Community Thrive and Connect and whether I am on Council or not. Keeping the Home Town Feel of Parker and creating a wonderful space for people to live and work is incredibly important to me. I want to give back to this amazing Town that has given so much to Me!

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