We asked for your opinions and we were thrilled with your responses!
Pizza or Hamburger? Pizza won out, winning with 60% of voters choosing pizza.
Donuts or Bagels 60% of voters chose bagels.
Cake or Pie 66% chose cake.
Breakfast or Brunch It was a close race, but breakfast won out with 53% of voters.
Coca Cola or Pepsi Coca Cola and Pepsi were split right down the middle with 50% of voters choosing each.
Wendy’s or McDonald’s Wendy’s won with 66% of votes.
Ice cream or Shaved ice Ice cream won with a huge lead, capturing 86% of the votes.
Domino’s or Pizza Hut Domino’s won out with 74% of votes.
Cafe Rio or Chipotle Chipotle was an obvious favorite with 64% of votes.
Vacation or Staycation
Vacation was chosen by 87% of voters.
Island or Big City 60% of voters chose an island getaway.
Adventure or Relaxation Adventure won with 54%.
Ocean or Mountain Ocean won with 72% of the votes.
Netflix or Hulu Netflix took 78% of the votes.
Sleep in or Wake early 62% of voters said they prefer waking up early.
Jog or Hike Hiking was a huge winner with 93% of votes.
TV or Book TV was a favorite with 78% of votes.
Family time or Alone time Family time and alone time were split right down the middle.
Dog or Cat Dogs won out with 66% of votes.
Marvel or DC Comics 94% of voters chose Marvel.
Call or Text Texting was a favorite with 66%.
Bath or Shower 80% of voters prefer a shower.
Maxi Skirt or Mini skirt Maxi skirt won out with 56%.
Day or Night Day had a sure win with 67% of votes.
Cardio or Weights Weights took 65% of votes.
Flats or Heels 57% of voters chose flats.
Silver or Gold Silver beat gold with 57%.
Mac or PC PC won with 58%.
Toilet Paper Over or Toilet Paper Under Toilet paper over was chosen by 100% of voters.
Chevy or Ford With a narrow win, 51% of voters chose Ford.
Suit or Sport Coat Sport coat was a sure favorite with 80% of votes.
Thank you so much for all those who participated!